Master of Arts in Hindi
- ID: MHD2023
- 4 Semesters (2 yrs)
- Min Qualification : Degree or equivalent
"After the successful completion of the course the learners are expected to do the following:
- Communicate effectively both orally and verbally in Hindi Language.
- Have a foundation on literary theories, movements and history of Hindi literature
- Ensure the up-to-date level of understanding the concepts of basics in Hindi Language and literature.
- To implement the grammatical and linguistic competence in accordance with the context and text.
- To do research in the various fields of the literary as well as the linguistic level in Hindi.
Semester |
Course type |
name of the course |
Credit |
S1 |
Discipline Core 1 |
"हिंदी साहित्य का इतिहास : आदिकाल से रीतिकाल तक |
4 |
Discipline Core 2 |
"मध्यकालीन और रीतिकालीन हिंदी काव्य |
4 |
Discipline Core 3 |
"हिंदी भाषा का इतिहास और भाषा विज्ञान |
4 |
Discipline Core 4 |
"आधुनिक कविताःप्रगतिवाद तक |
4 |
Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AE, Discipline Specific (DS) |
"अनुवाद सिद्धांत और प्रयोग |
2 |
S2 |
Discipline Core 5 |
"भारतीय एवं पाश्चात्य काव्य शास्त्र |
4 |
Discipline Core 6 |
"हिंदी साहित्य का इतिहास : आधुनिक युग |
4 |
Discipline Core 7 |
"आधुनिक हिंदी गद्य साहित्य |
4 |
Discipline Core 8 |
नाटक एवं एकांकी – आधुनिक युग |
4 |
Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AE, Institution Specific (DS) |
Foundational Skills for Research and Writing |
2 |
S3 |
Discipline Core 9 |
"उपन्यास एवं कहानी |
4 |
Discipline Core 10 |
"उत्तर-आधुनिक साहित्यिक विमर्श |
4 |
Discipline Specific Elective |
पारिस्थितिक विमर्श |
4 |
उत्तराधुनिक दौर का हिन्दी साहित्य | |||
Discipline Specific Elective |
नारी लेखन |
4 |
प्रवासी साहित्य | |||
Skill Enhancement Compulsory Courses/ Internship in industry or elsewhere. |
हिंदी भाषा में कम्प्यूटर प्रौद्योगिकी |
2 |
S4 |
Discipline Core 11 |
"आधुनिक कविता : प्रयोग से समकालीन तक |
4 |
Discipline Core 12 |
"विशेष लेखक प्रेमचन्द |
4 |
Discipline Specific Elective |
"दलित अस्मिता और हिन्दी साहित्य |
4 |
"आदिवासी अस्मिता और हिन्दी साहित्य |
Skill Enhancement Compulsory Courses |
"आधुनिक मीडिया विमर्श और लेखन |
2 |
Dissertation/Project |
Dissertation/Project |
4 |
Fees for first semester (S1) |
Admission fee and prospectus fee |
400 |
Affiliation fee |
400 |
Matriculation fee |
120 |
Eligibility fee |
250 |
Tuition fee |
a)Self Learning Material & Virtual Learning Facility fee |
2000 |
b)Assignment fee |
200 |
c)Counselling Fee |
1200 |
4570 |
Fees for subsequent semesters (S2 to S4) |
Tuition fee |
a)Self Learning Material & Virtual Learning Facility fee |
2000 |
b)Assignment fee |
200 |
c)Counselling Fee |
1200 |
3400 |